Z-Pay is a modern payment system with a high level of reliability and confidentiality.
All processes, such as replenishment, withdrawal, exchange are performed automatically.
What is so good in Z-Pay that makes not only new users but also experienced users choose the platform?
Let’s discuss it in details
Old things are always replaced with the new ones
Only yesterday what was not regarded seriously today is replacing the old things. This is the case with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.
Recently, representatives of the traditional financial system called Bitcoin a bubble and compared the cryptocurrency market with “tulip mania”, and today banks are patenting technologies related to the blockchain, and companies are expanding the list of services for customers by adding cryptocurrencies to their services.
The world is moving at a fast pace, information is updated at an unprecedented speed, and only those companies that keep pace with the times will be able to consolidate their positions in the market.
It is important not only to take into account the interests of customers, but also to provide quality services without time delays, quickly and accurately.
This is why Z-Pay is worth to be considering
Z-Pay advantages
- Excellent reputation
Due to well-coordinated work since 2018 we have confirmed the status of a reliable payment system among our clients;
- Automation of all processes
All transactions in the Z-Pay payment system are automatic. There is no need to wait for confirmation from operators.
- Affiliate program
Due to the built-in referral link in your personal account, you can receive a percentage from your friends’ transactions.
- Instant transfers
You don’t need to wait long for replenishment, withdrawal, etc. Everything happens in a few seconds.
- Instant exchange
It takes less than a second to exchange one coin for another or convert everything to fiat.
- Multicurrency
Z-Pay supports major cryptocurrencies + fiat.
- No commissions for internal transfers
You have a Z-Pay wallet and can transfer funds to other users without commissions.
- 24/7 work
No interruptions, we work 24/7.
- Availability of several unique products
Anonymous check, wallet, etc.
- High level of confidentiality
A simple registration procedure with no KYC allows you to remain anonymous and use the services of the platform without restrictions.
- Reliable API
- Convenient and intuitive interface
Just a few minutes are enough to look around in your personal account and tabs and to understand all nuances.
Z-Pay for salary projects and donations
Z-Pay’s applications are comprehensive. Payment for goods, services, use of checks and much more.
Let’s consider salary projects and donations
Companies or new start-ups collaborate with freelancers in many areas (web, design, development, etc.) and they use different payment methods.
Cryptocurrency is often the method of payment for services. That is why it is necessary to use special services, where a company can not only store cryptocurrency, but make transfers without commissions.
The Z-Pay service is perfectly good for this purpose.
The algorithm is very simple:
- The company creates a Z-Pay wallet and replenishes it
- The employee also creates a wallet and reports the data to the company
- The company pays for services by internal transfer
The most important advantage is the absence of commissions for internal transfers and the company (startup) will not lose a cent on commissions.
Today donations are very popular among various contingents of people and companies: gamers, research organizations, opposition parties and organizations, spectators, etc.
Cryptocurrencies are often used as a donation method, because more and more people come to the crypto world and know how to create a wallet and make a transfer to another address.
An ideal donation solution would be to use the Z-Pay service, where you can create crypto wallets and request to make donations to these wallets.
For example, you create a BTC address in a Z-Pay wallet and publish it in the “Donation” section in your website and account. Your fans and users will transfer BTC to you.
For example, WikiLeaks. Anyone can support the project by various ways that are indicated on their website.
Please note that there are Bitcoin, ETH, etc. All cryptocurrencies are available on Z-Pay and you can do the same in your project.
It’s simple: Register on the Z-Pay platform and create addresses for each cryptocurrency, then copy these addresses and use them as a donation method in your project.
All funds that will be transferred as donations will be accumulated on the Z-Pay wallet.
Z-Pay significantly simplifies financial transactions between various counterparties and saves your time and money.
And as we discussed above, the use of the Z-Pay payment system provides low costs for paying salaries to the staff, as well as facilitates and expands the methods of using donations.